UNU-IAS Runs Workshops on Climate Action in Education and Community Engagement in ESD at the 10th WEEC in Bangkok

The 10th World Environmental Education Congress (WEEC) was held 3-7 November, 2019 in Bangkok, Thailand, under the theme ‘Local Knowledge, Communication and Global Connectivity’, and was jointly hosted by the Faculty of Environment, Kasetsart University, the Thailand Global Warming Academy under the patronage of the Nabhamitra Foundation, and the World Environmental Education Congress Network. This biannual event, and the first to be held in Asia, brought together delegates from across the globe, focusing on education for the environment and sustainability, with the aim to enhance local knowledge within the global spotlight in terms of environmental education.

2020 ProSPER.Net Young Researchers’ School

** Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, unfortunately the 2020 ProSPER.Net Young Researchers’ School (YRS) has been cancelled. ** Hosted by Tsinghua University under the theme ‘Big Data on Earth System Science for Sustainable Development’, the YRS will provide participants with…

2019 ProSPER.Net Leadership Programme

Engineering Approaches to Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Towards Sustainable Development in the Asia-Pacific Region The 2019 ProSPER.Net Leadership Programme was held from 24th – 30th November in Quezon City, the Philippines, and was hosted by the University of the…

Call for 2020 ProSPER.Net Event Hosts

The ProSPER.Net Secretariat would like to invite members to submit self-nominations to host the upcoming ProSPER.Net programmes and events for 2020. Over the years, the network members have taken turns in hosting ProSPER.Net General Assemblies, Board Meetings, the Young Researchers’…

ProSPER.Net Joint Research Project Featured at APFSD 2019

On 27 March, 2019, UNU-IAS, jointly with UNESCO Bangkok and the Ministry of the Environment Japan (MOEJ), organised a side event at the 6th Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development 2019 (APFSD 2019) in Bangkok, Thailand. The topic of the event focused…