Webinar: The Future of Cities is Circular

5 November, 2021, 13:30-15:00 (AEDT)  The path to a safe operating space within planetary boundaries is via circularity. “Going circular” requires a shift not only in mindsets and business models but will also need a high level of coordination across…

9th World Sustainability Forum

UNU-IAS will be presenting in a session organised by IAU at the 9th World Sustainability Forum (taking place virtually from 13-15 September 2021). This session, ‘Higher Education and Research – How universities around the world engage with Sustainability and build partnerships for…

ProSPER.Net Webinar on Sustainability in Higher Education

What lessons can we learn from the COVID-19 pandemic that can help us take action against climate change? How can HEIs lead the way towards social and environmental transformation that will build resilience in our communities and promote a healthy…

The 2nd SEA-STEM International Conference

24-25 November, 2021, online Prince of Songkla University, as a member of IMT-GT UNINET, is hosting ‘The 2nd SEA-STEM 2021′ as a virtual international conference from 24-25 November, 2021. The event will serve as a venue to exchange knowledge on…