Engineering Approaches to Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Towards Sustainable Development in the Asia-Pacific Region

Photo credit: Ram Bista
The 2019 ProSPER.Net Leadership Programme was held from 24th – 30th November in Quezon City, the Philippines, and was hosted by the University of the Philippines Diliman.
Under the theme, ‘Engineering Approaches to Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Towards Sustainable Development in the Asia-Pacific Region’, the programme brought together twenty participants from across the Asia-Pacific region to learn about the challenges and opportunities in relation to disaster risk reduction (DRR) and management.
Over the course of the programme, participants were exposed to engineering principles and tools that can aid in formulating sustainable solutions for the region, taking into consideration the vulnerability of the region to both man-made and natural disasters.
In addition, participants worked on group projects that enabled them to develop leadership skills in the context of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, as well as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The ProSPER.Net Secretariat would like to thank the University of the Philippines Diliman for their efforts and organisation of the 2019 ProSPER.Net Leadership Programme.
The ProSPER.Net Leadership Programme is an annual programme bringing together individuals from academia, the public sector, the business community, and civil society from across the Asia-Pacific region to explore how education and partnerships can be used across sectors, and in turn help build a more sustainable and resilient Asia-Pacific region.
Read a summary of the programme here.
The full programme can be viewed here.
Monday 25 November, 2019
Time | Presentation | Presenter/s | Outcome/s |
10:30-12:00 | Lecture 1: Introduction to ‘Engineering Approaches to Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Towards Sustainable Development in the Asia-Pacific Region’ | Dr. Fumiko Noguchi (UNU-IAS) | Presentation slides |
14:30-16:00 | Lecture 2: The Sustainable Development Goals and Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction | Dr. Riyanti Djalante (UNU-IAS) |
Tuesday 26 November, 2019
Time | Presentation | Presenter/s | Outcome/s |
09:00-10:30 | Lecture 3: Local Community Empowerment and Multi-stakeholder Participation in DRRM | Mr. Ramon Mapa (People’s Initiative for Learning and Community Development (PILCD)) | Presentation slides |
10:45-12:00 | Lecture 4: Introduction to Systems Analysis, Life Cycle Analysis, and Multi-Criteria Decision Making Tools (Part 1) | Dr. Virginia Soriano (UP Diliman) | |
13:00-14:00 | Lecture 4 (continued): Introduction to Systems Analysis, Life Cycle Analysis, and Multi-Criteria Decision Making Tools (Part 2) | Dr. Virginia Soriano (UP Diliman) | |
14:15-15:45 | Lecture 5: Vulnerability Mapping (Vulnerability Assessment) | Dr. Ariel Blanco (UP Diliman) | Presentation slides |
Wednesday 27 November, 2019
Time | Presentation | Presenter/s | Outcome/s |
09:00-10:30 | Lecture 6: Sustainable & Resilient Energy Systems | Dr. Rizalinda de Leon (UP Diliman) | Presentation slides |
10:45-12:15 | Field Trip Introduction Session | Marikina City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (RESCUE 161) | Presentation slides |
13:15-14:45 | Lecture 7: Social Impact Assessment | Dr. Nestor Castro (UP Diliman) | Presentation slides |
Thursday 28 November, 2019
Time | Presentation | Presenter/s | Outcome/s |
16:00-16:30 | Lecture 8: Resilience of Structures | Prof. Fernando J. Germar (UP Diliman) | Presentation slides |
Leadership for Sustainability and Collaboration Practice: Developing a Project for DRR and Sustainable Development

Photo credit: UNU-IAS
Group 1:
The Challenges and the Opportunities in the Urban Planning Preparedness
Mr. La Ode Mansyur – Ministry Marine and Fisheries, UPT, Makassar Coastal and Marine Resource Management Center (BPSPL), Indonesia
Ms. Maliha Binte Mohiuddin – Regional Ambassador, YouthMappers Network, Bangladesh
Mr. Yin Shuxi – Lecturer, Center of Disaster Management, Hefei University of Technology, China
Ms. Maria Therese Sandra C. Cacas – Junior Engineering Associate, Campus Development and Maintenance Office, UP Open University
Group 2:
Disaster Risk Preparedness & Sustainable Housing
Mr. Byrone Benson Barrinuevo – Head, Assessment and Planning, DSWD – National Resource and Logistics Management Bureau, Philippines
Ms. Kanykey Djumanalieva – Youth Branch Coordinator / PA Regional Center of Expertise for Education for Sustainable Development of Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyzstan
Mr. Ram Bista – Ward Member (Elected) / Ward Office 13 / Lalitpur Metropolitan City, Mediator / Mediation Council Nepal, Economics Lecturer / Caribbean School of Management
Mr. Syed Zaheer Hussain – GIS Specialist at Punjab IT Board, Government of Punjab, Pakistan, Sr. Researcher at IT University Lahore, Pakistan
Group 3:
Continuity for Health Care Service During a Disaster
Ms. Narantuya Ulaankhuu – Foreign Affairs and International Project Officer, Public Administration Department, Governor’s Administration Office of Sukhbaatar Province in Mongolia
Mr. Tetsuya Kimura – Executive Director of International Business Planning Department, Daiwa Securities Group Inc., Japan
Mr. Tran Van Ninh – Project Coordinator, Autism Mapping Project in the ASEAN Region, Asia-Pacific Development Centre on Disability (APCD), Thailand
Ms. Masdalina Pane – Researcher / Dr. / NIHRD, Ministry of Health, Rep of Indonesia
Group 4:
Enhancing Farmers’ Resilience of Sri Lankan Dry Zones to a Changing Climate
Mr. Mohamed Fazal Mohamed Ajwaad – Project Officer, ACCEND / Project, Oxfam Italia, Sri Lanka
Ms. Dolgorsuren Sanjjav – Technical Officer / CBIT Project / UNFAO, Mongolia
Mr. Pratik Singh Thakuri – Program and Research Officer, Centre of Research for Environment, Energy and Water (CREEW), Nepal
Mr. Bart David Quibod – Instructor, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry; Chairperson, Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Response Committee; NSTP Coordinator, College of Pharmacy, University of the Philippines Manila
Group 5:
Enhancing Resilience of Flood Risk in Kullu District
Ms. Nisha – Independent Consultant, Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation (Sendai Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction Implementation), India
Mr. Mahmoud Azrak – Water and Habitat Engineer at International Committee of the Red Cross- Syria Delegation
Mr. Aung Than Oo – Program Manager, Office of the Union Enterprise for Humanitarian Assistance, Resettlement and Development in Rakhine (UEHRD), Myanmar
Ms. Supattra Visessri – Asst. Prof. Dr. / Department of Water Resources Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Developing Long-term and Short-term Strategic Plans for DRR for Sustainable Development
Resource Logistics Capacity Assessment: Technical Assistance Plan – Mr. Byrone Benson Barrinuevo
Promotion of Sustainable and Disaster Resilient Development Programs in Upcountry of Sri Lanka – Mr. Mohamed Fazal Mohamed Ajwaad
Improving Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation for a More Resilient Health System in Indonesia under NGOs-Government Partnership – Ms. Masdalina Pane
DRR Plan for Humanitarian Response in Aleppo City – Mr. Mahmoud Azrak
Experiences Sharing the Sustainable Community Based Strategic Approach; Case Studies on the Current Situational Analysis of DRR Management in Myanmar – Mr. Aung Than Oo
Proposed DRR Plan with LP Learnings – Ms. Kanykey Djumanalieva
The Lens of Education Sustainable Goals through the Enlightenment of YouthMappers Network – Ms. Maliha Binte Mohiuddin
Hear from the Participants

Photo credit: UNU-IAS
Here’s what the participants thought about their experience at the Leadership Programme:
What was the most valuable component of the programme?
“The field trip was really helpful to understand the impact of DRR on local community and people… I believe more that each success comes after hard suffering and I think that’s the case of Marikina City” – Mahmoud Azrak
“People from [various] cultures, nations and professional settings.” – Ram Bista
“DRR from academics, lectures, systematic approaches… learning from [the] field visit and case studies.” – Aung Than Oo
What were your thoughts on the field trips? Did they change your approach to thinking about DRR or sustainable development?

Photo credit: Ram Bista
“Field trips reinforced my understanding that people are knowledgeable on their own or resilient on their own. Sustainable development needs the whole society or sector working together at the same time.” – Byrone Benson Barrinuevo
“The field trip was really great especially when we visited the command center of Marikina. They were very organized and my thinking about sustainable development was put onto the next level- that we can actually do it.” – Maria Threse Sandra C. Cacas
What have you learnt that has surprised you?
“[Regarding the Marikina city tour] I was surprised how the community is informative and prepared towards DRR.” – Syed Zaheer Hussain

Photo credit: UNU-IAS
Overall comments
“A wonderful experience and learning.” – Mohamed Ajwaad Mohamed Fazal
“It’s a really great experience especially for business persons working in/with Asia.” – Tetsuya Kimura
“Training was very useful and informative. I will definitely incorporate engineering approaches in DRR and climate change adoption. Overall it was a wonderful learning [experience].” – Nisha
Take a look at the highlights from the programme here:
Photos from the 2019 ProSPER.Net Leadership Programme can be found on ProSPER.Net’s Facebook page here.