The Southeast Asian Geography Association (SEAGA) Conference 2020, to be held 10-13 March, 2020 in Bangkok, Thailand, has announced a first call for papers. Under the conference theme, ‘Opportunities and challenges for Sustainability in the 2020s: Understanding environments, societies, and identities in Southeast Asia’, abstracts of paper / workshop / panel proposals are currently being accepted, which invite multidimensional perspectives on this issue from scholars, policymakers, entrepreneurs, and educators. Jointly organised by SEAGA, Siam University, Thammasat University and Chulalongkorn University, the aim of the conference is to advance the discourse on the issues of sustainability, space, place, and cultures in Asia to inform the decision-making and actions of society, private enterprise, and governments. The deadline for submissions is 30 November, 2019. For further information, visit the website here.