Message from the ProSPER.Net Secretariat | |
Dear Colleagues and Friends, Greetings from the ProSPER.Net Secretariat! This month we are excited to announce three new members joining the network, Mariano Marcos State University (the Philippines), Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (Japan), and University of Toyama (Japan), acknowledged at the recent ProSPER.Net 16th General Assembly. Please join us in welcoming our new members! Also at the recent ProSPER.Net 16th General Assembly and 23rd Board Meeting, the election of the Board Chair, appointment of Vice-chair, and election of Board Members for 2022-2024 took place. Please see the final list of the ProSPER.Net Board here - we look forward to working with these members over the next two-year term. The Meetings were also an opportunity to provide updates on ProSPER.Net Activities and Expert Advisory Panels. Thank you to all members for participating in these important sessions. If you have any news, open calls, upcoming events, or publications you wish to share in a future bulletin, please complete this form and email your submission to the ProSPER.Net Secretariat at ProSPERNet@unu.edu (submissions close on the 15th of each month). Sincerely, ProSPER.Net Secretariat | |
 | Last Chance to Apply: 2022 ProSPER.Net Leadership Programme The application deadline to apply for the 2022 ProSPER.Net Leadership Programme has been extended until 21 October, 2022 (11:59pm JST).
Due to be held from 5th – 8th and 16th December, 2022, in a virtual format hosted by UNU-IAS, this year participants will delve into the theme, ‘Shifting to Net Zero: Implementation strategies for net-zero transitions’. Details: Dates: 5th – 8th December (inclusive) and 16th December, 2022 (5 days in total) Location: Online, using the Zoom platform (participants are requested to ensure they have access to Zoom and a stable internet connection during the event dates). Participation fee: Free For more details including how to apply, view the open call here .The deadline for applications is Friday 21 October, 2022, 11:59pm (Japan Standard Time). |
Applications Open for 38th UNU Global Seminar 2022 Applications are now open for the 38th UNU Global Seminar, which will be held online on 3, 4, 7 (consultations) and 10 December, 2022. Under the theme ‘Energy Sustainability in the Anthropocene - Transforming Lifestyles for Carbon Neutrality’, participants will discuss how we should change our lifestyles to achieve a carbon neutral society.
This is a certified course, designed for undergraduate and postgraduate students who are currently residing in Japan, as well as young professionals who are interested in the theme and networking opportunities.
The application deadline is 2 November 2022. For more information, please visit the UNU Global Seminar page. | |
UNU-IAS Hosts ProSPER.Net 16th General Assembly and 23rd Board Meeting; Three New Members Join the Network The ProSPER.Net 16th General Assembly and 23rd Board Meeting, hosted by UNU-IAS, was held on 19 October, 2022. Over 35 representatives from the network attended the online meetings, in which three new members were acknowledged. Joining the network for 2022 are Mariano Marcos State University (the Philippines), Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (Japan), and University of Toyama (Japan), bringing the total number of members to 55.
At the meeting, the ProSPER.Net Secretariat provided updates on ProSPER.Net activities conducted over the past year, including the report ‘ProSPER.Net: Enabling Higher Education for the Sustainable Development Goals 2015-2021’, the upcoming Leadership Programme, ‘Shifting to Net Zero: Implementation strategies for net-zero transitions’, and an ongoing joint research project, ‘Circular Economy Integration for Sustainable Built Environment Education’, which RMIT University also reported on during the Meeting. Read more | |
Session Explores Innovative Use of ICT by RCEs and Contributions to Skills Development in Rural and Remote Areas From 6-7 October, 2022, the Central Asian Symposium on ICT in Education (CASIE) was held in Almaty, Kazakhstan, under the theme 'ICT-enabled Skills Development in Rural and Remote Areas.' Organised by UNESCO, in partnership with the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Korea Education and Research Information Service (KERIS), the event provided a platform for participants to discuss policies and practices towards developing ICT-enabled education in rural and remote areas, as well as action plans to support the learning recovery and transformation of education for learners in these areas. Learn more about the symposium here. | |
Symposium Discusses Citizen Science and Blue Carbon Projects for Seascape Restoration On 20 September 2022, UNU-IAS held an online symposium on community-based activities and governance for seascape restoration, focusing on blue carbon systems and citizen science. It was part of a series of events launched in February 2022 as part of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. The event was organised in partnership with the Ocean Policy Research Institute (OPRI) and the Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ). Read more | |
This is a publication of UNU-IAS ProSPER.Net Secretariat. The bulletin is a great way to share your activities, events and news as a ProSPER.Net member with the rest of the network. Feel free to send us any information you may deem relevant for the rest of the community by completing this form and emailing it to prospernet@unu.edu. We look forward to your inputs! Visit ProSPER.Net regularly for up-to-date news and event information. |
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