MOOCs on Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Biodiversity

These MOOCs have been created by UVED, digital University in France specialised in Environment and Sustainable Development. UVED is one of the 8 digital thematic Universities supported by the French ministry for Higher Education, and a partnership foundation made up of 45 members, mainly HEI but also representatives of civil society & private bodies.


MOOC “Environment and sustainable development”

Examine our depiction of environment and sustainable development, initiate a better understanding of our collective actions and be an eco-citizen with rights and duties


MOOC “Causes and challenges of climate change”
Reflect about climate change, learn to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to adapt to climate change, understand the international politics of scientific diagnosis and societal demands


MOOC “Biodiversity”

Become aware that preservation concerns all of us, understand social perceptions of biodiversity, increase involvement of societal stakeholders