Message from the ProSPER.Net Secretariat | |
Dear Colleagues and Friends, Greetings from the ProSPER.Net Secretariat! This month we have a number of publications to share, including a Summary Report on ProSPER.Net Mobility Workshop Strategies, which highlight the results of a survey and discussions from a workshop on Academic Mobility
that was held in April 2023. In addition, we have published project outcomes from two completed ProSPER.Net Joint Projects (‘Impacts of Pollution on Tropical Montane and Temperate Forests of South Asia: Preliminary Studies by Postgraduate Students in India
and Sri Lanka’ and ‘One Health Approach in Long-tailed Macaques Conservation and Zoonotic Potential from Molecular and Social Perspective in Tourism Places of Bali and Yogyakarta’). See below for further details on these outputs, including an article and online
course. If you have any news, open calls, upcoming events, or publications you wish to share in a future bulletin, please complete this form and
email your submission to the ProSPER.Net Secretariat at (submissions close on the 15th of each month).Sincerely, ProSPER.Net Secretariat | |
![]() | Youth Environmental Education Conference (YEEC) In line with the 12th World Environmental Education Congress (WEEC) 29 January – 2 February 2024, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates The Youth Environmental Education Conference (YEEC), which runs in line and is mainstreamed to the World Environmental Education Congress, is a platform that provides opportunities to engage youth in Environmental Education, and articulate their thoughts, challenges,
address their interests, concerns, and goals. Additionally, YEEC provides opportunities for youth to engage with practitioners in the design, process and implementation of Environmental Education initiatives and programmes. Read more |
|  | Submissions Open: RCE Youth Art Challenge – From Waste to Art The Global RCE Service Centre at UNU-IAS, in partnership with UNESCO, is now accepting submissions for the RCE Youth Art Challenge: From Waste to Art. The challenge is open to anyone aged 35 or younger worldwide. This is an opportunity to create an artwork to inspire others around the world to use resources more efficiently, reduce waste, and ultimately shift to sustainable consumption and production. Entries should show the actions you or your local community are taking, with a focus on SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production). They can utilise any art medium – some ideas are paintings, drawings, photos, sketches, digital art, sculptures, handicrafts,
murals – the list is endless! As for materials, we’d love to see your creativity, such as using locally sourced waste (e.g. e-waste, plastic, paper, etc). Further information, including submission guidelines and eligibility are available here. Entries close on 15 August 2023 (11:59pm JST). Applications Open: 39th UNU Global Seminar Applications are now open for the 39th UNU Global Seminar, which will focus on 'Sustainable Agriculture and Food Production: The Way Forward to Ensure Food Security'. It will take place online from 7-9 August 2023, in English The aim of the UNU Global Seminars is to enhance awareness about contemporary global issues and the role of the United Nations in addressing those issues. Students and young professionals are given the opportunity to interact with distinguished scholars and
practitioners from Japan and abroad, and to explore a specific issue in depth through lectures and group discussions. Through group work, participants will discuss sustainable agricultural practices and explore how these practices can help ensure food security
while mitigating negative impacts. Participants will also be tasked with developing innovative solutions to mainstream sustainable agriculture. The Seminar is open to undergraduate students and postgraduate students residing in Japan, as well as young professionals. The application deadline is 5 July 2023. Further information, including details about the application process are available here. |
![]() | Biodiversity Day Symposium Promotes Collaborative Action for Living in Harmony with Nature On 15 May 2023 UNU-IAS co-organised a symposium to celebrate International Day for Biological Diversity, on the theme “From Agreement to Action: Build Back Biodiversity“. The event focused on national and global efforts towards implementing the Kunming–Montreal
Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) — a historic agreement to protect at least 30% of the Earth’s ecosystems by 2030. Read more | |
![]() | ProSPER.Net Joint Project: Impacts of Pollution on Tropical Montane and Temperate Forests of South Asia: Preliminary Studies by Postgraduate Students in India and Sri Lanka This project aimed to engage postgraduate students of the TERI School of Advanced Studies in India, and the University of Peradeniya and University of Sri Jayewardenepura in Sri Lanka to undertake preliminary research in temperate forests of the Himalayas, India
and the tropical montane forests of Sri Lanka on the impacts of pollution on biodiversity. Led by the TERI School of Advanced Studies (with project members University of Peradeniya and University of Sri Jayewardenepura), the project produced an article published in the book 'Ecosystem and Species Habitat Modeling for Conservation and Restoration'. A presentation of the project objective’s results and outcomes (presented at the South Asian Nitrogen Hub, Plenary ECR and Student Session on 26 May 2022) is available here ProSPER.Net Joint Project: One Health Approach in Long-tailed Macaques Conservation and Zoonotic Potential from Molecular and Social Perspective in Tourism Places of Bali and Yogyakarta The objectives of this project included providing recommendations for tourism places where managers and visitors handle the behavioural issues and prevention of zoonotic transmissions from long-tailed macaques, as well as the establishment of a curriculum development website
on a ‘One Health Approach in Long-tailed Macaques Conservation and Zoonotic Potential from Molecular and Social Perspective in Tourism Places’. Led by Universitas Gadjah Mada (with project members Hokkaido University and Mahidol University), the online course developed by the project can be accessed here. The course consists of four courses: 1) Zoonoses and One Health; 2) Long-tailed Macaque; 3) Molecular Identification; and 4) Social Interaction Human & Macaque, which include videos and readings of the respective themes. A video on ‘Social Interaction
between Long Tailed Macaques and Humans in Puncak Mundi Temple Bali and Mount Merapi National Park’ is also provided. To access the course, please follow the login instructions available on the e-Learning: Open for Knowledge Sharing website Summary Report: ProSPER.Net Mobility Workshop Strategies for Enhancing Academic Mobility Within the Network The global call to action on sustainable development transitions higher education from the traditional 'ivory tower', discipline-oriented paradigm into one of innovative problem solving and creating sustainable solutions. The new paradigm takes on the interplaying
sustainability issues in an inter-trans-disciplinary, holistic fashion, and fostering and enabling this paradigm shift entails mainstreaming and institutionalizing academic mobility into higher education, thereby enriching academic offerings. There are various forms of academic mobility programmes in higher education. This summary report reflects and highlights the results of a survey conducted during December 2022 to January 2023 by the ProSPER.Net Expert Advisory Panel on Academic Mobility Programme and the subsequent discussions at the Workshop on Academic Mobility held on 28 April 2023 organised by the Panel. | |
 | New RCE Publication on Sustainable Consumption and Production Launched This month a new publication by UNU-IAS was launched, featuring 12 innovative education projects developed by Regional Centres of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development (RCEs) on the topic of sustainable consumption and production (SCP). The projects in 'Driving Sustainable Consumption and Production at the Local Level: Education for Sustainable Development Projects from the Global RCE Network' cover a range of critical factors of SCP: resource efficiency; waste management and minimisation; and consumer behaviour. Each project details actions that were taken by the RCE, and invites readers to apply the best practices of multi-stakeholder engagement and action-oriented learning in their regions to promote sustainable consumption and production systems. The resulting community-based projects inspired learners to adopt more sustainable practices, including the reduction of waste, conservation of energy, and a more efficient utilisation of resources to meet the needs of both current and future generations. Read more about this exciting new publication here and the projects featured, or download the full publication here. | |
This is a publication of UNU-IAS ProSPER.Net Secretariat. The bulletin is a great way to share your activities, events and news as a ProSPER.Net member with the rest of the network. Feel free to send us any information you may deem relevant for the rest of the community by completing this form and emailing it to We look forward to your inputs! Visit ProSPER.Net regularly for up-to-date news and event information. |
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