News archives

GUPES Partnerships Forum
As the UN Decade on Education for Sustainable Development comes to an end, the GUPES Partnerships Forum provides a platform to review progress of the GUPES community over the past several years, as well as identifying joint initiatives/partnerships in the implementation of the Global Action Programme on Education for Sustainable Development.
The GUPES Partnerships Forum will be held at Nagoya University on 8 November 2014. The Forum will provide inputs to the International Conference on Higher Education for Sustainable Development, which takes place on 9 November, as well as the Higher Education and Research workshop being convened during the World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development, on morning of 11 November. For more information, please visit the website. (posted Oct 2014)

ProSPER.Net 7th General Assembly and 13th Board Meeting

The 7th ProSPER.Net General Assembly and the 13th Board meeting were successfully held at Hosei University in Tokyo, Japan on 11 and 12 July. Representatives from 20 members and partners joined the meetings. ProSPER.Net members and partners will gather again in November to take up the discussion at the Special General Assembly which will be hosted by Chubu University in Nagoya, Japan. (posted 31 Jul 2014)


Read about the 2nd ProSPER.Net Forum on Sustainability in Higher Education 

The 2nd ProSPER.Net Forum on Sustainability in Higher Education was hosted by Hosei University on 10 July 2014. ProSPER.Net gathered experts from different countries in Asia, including Dr. Ryutaro Yatsu, Senior Advisor to the Ministry of the Environment of Japan, to discuss about the continuing integration of sustainability in higher education and its policy implications in the context of a post-UNDESD framework. Click here to read the article on the Forum. To see the detailed programme, click here. (posted 31 Jul 2014)

2014 ProSPER.Net Young Scientist Award- winners announced

The winners and runners-up of the 2014 YSA presented their research on 10 July 2014 in Tokyo at a symposium hosted by Hosei University. For 2014, awards were given in Disaster Risk Reduction, Sustainable Agriculture, and Waste. Click here to see the announcement of the winners. (posted 11 Jul 2014)

2014 ProSPER.Net Leadership Programme- Call for Applications

The 2014 ProSPER.Net Leadership Programme will be hosted by the Higher Education Leadership Academy in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 16 to 24 August 2014. The programme includes lectures on leadership, conservation and ecosystem services, urban issues and industrial development from the perspective of multi-stakeholder partnerships to support local development. Field visits will be organized to provide different examples of community engagement and insights on the types of required leadership that enable sustainable actions to thrive. The deadline for submission has been extended to midnight GMT on 20 June 2014. For further details, please visit the Leadership Programme page. (posted 29 May 2014)

ProSPER.Net Forum on Sustainability in Higher Education and 2014 ProSPER.Net-Scopus Young Scientist Award in Sustainable Development Symposium

Hosei University and ProSPER.Net will host the second ProSPER.Net Forum on Sustainability in Higher Education and the 2014 ProSPER.Net-Scopus Young Scientist Award in Sustainable Development (YSA) Symposium in Tokyo, Japan on 10 July. The Forum will take place in the morning and will highlight contributions of Higher Education Institutions to the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (UNDESD 2005-2014) and beyond. The afternoon will be dedicated for the YSA Symposium and finalists will present their work in front of a panel as part of the judging process. Click here to see the detailed programme. (posted 28 May 2014)

ProSPER.Net 7th General Assembly and 13th Board Meeting

The 7th ProSPER.Net General Assembly and the 13th Board meeting will be hosted by Hosei University in Tokyo, Japan on 11 and 12 July. ProSPER.Net members will gather to discuss ProSPER.Net activities, joint research projects, network strategies and roadmap as well as organizational matters, communication and dissemination. The outcome of the meetings will be posted later on this website. (28 May 2014)

ProSPER.Net-Scopus Young Scientist Award in Sustainable Development 2014- Call for Applications

The ProSPER.Net-Scopus Young Scientist Award (YSA) is given annually to young scientists or researchers who have made significant contributions in the area of sustainable development. This year the award is open to those engaged in graduate education and research activities that emphasize sustainable development in three areas: disaster risk reduction, sustainable agriculture, and waste. The deadline for submission has been extended to midnight GMT on 30 May 2014. For further details, please visit the YSA page. (posted 20 May)

2014 Green Talents Competition- Call for Applications

Since 2009, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has held the “Green Talents – International Forum for High Potentials in Sustainable Development” to promote the international exchange of ideas regarding green solutions. The award honours 25 young researchers from around the world each year. The deadline for submission for this year’s Green Talents competition is 12 p.m. CET on 16 June 2014. Visit their website for further details. (posted 9 May 2014)

2014 ProSPER.Net Young Researchers’ School- Call for Applications

The 2014 Young Researchers’ School (YRS) will be held at Tongji University in Shanghai, China from 15 to 26 September. The theme of the 2014 school is ‘Urban Planning for Sustainable Development: Water Resources and Ecosystem Management’. Through lectures and field trips, students will be able to develop research responses to challenges that provide integrative solutions as considering urban issues, water resources and ecosystem management. The deadline for submission is midnight GMT on 20 June 2014. For further details, please visit the YRS page. (posted 1 May 2014)

First ProSPER.Net Leadership Programme Article

In November 2013, the East West Center hosted the first ProSPER.Net Leadership Programme, an advanced capacity development activity that provides a platform for multi-sectoral dialogue to foster collaboration for sustainable development. The participants were divided into groups to work on sustainability-related leadership challenges faced by local communities. From this dialogue with local experts, researchers and community leaders, each group produced a series of reflections and potential recommendations. Click here to read the first article of this series. (posted 1 Apr 2014)

ProSPER.Net 12th Board meeting

The 12th Board meeting was successfully held at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand on 12 and 13 December 2013. Board Members discussed ProSPER.Net roadmap towards 2014 and beyond, which includes ESD activities in Japan in 2014 to commemorate the end of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (UNDESD, 2005-2014).  (posted 24 Jan 2014)

TERI University’s Summer School- Building Learning in Sustainability Science

To sensitize people on the challenges of sustainability, TERI University is organizing a summer school titled BLISS (Building Learning in Sustainability Science) which will be held during July 15-19, 2013. The summer school will conducted online and face-to-face and aims to encourage people to imbibe the principles of sustainable development, both as a career and in day to day life. For more details, visit TERI University’s website. (posted 15 May 2013)

Green Talents Competition 2013

The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is now holding the 5th round of its “Green Talents – International Forum for High Potentials in Sustainable Development”. This annual award focuses on outstanding young scientists active in the field of sustainable development. Watch a short information film by clicking here. For more information, visit theirwebsite. (posted 2 May 2013)

ASEAN Environmental Education Action Plan

Representatives of ASEAN Member States from respective Ministries and Departments of Environment and Education, as well as other key stakeholders, participated in a workshop on the ASEAN Environmental Education Action Plan (AEEAP) 2008-2012 Review and Its Successor Plan Formulation from 8-10 April, 2013. The achievements of AEEAP 2008-2012 implementation at the level of the ASEAN Member States (AMS) was discussed, in addition to ASEAN-wide activities. The Regional Centres of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development network (RCEs) and the Promotion of Sustainability in Postgraduate Education and Research network (ProSPER.Net) were both recognized as partners in the implementation of the plan’s four target areas – formal education; non-formal education; institutional and human resource capacity building; and networking, information dissemination and communication. For more information, please contact the Global RCE Service Centre or the ProSPER.Net Secretariat. (posted 25 Apr 2013)

New Publication: ProSPER.Net Newsletter

Check out the latest ProSPER.Net news bulletin which can be downloaded here. You can view past newsletters by visiting our ProSPER.Net Bulletin Archive. (posted 2 Apr)

2013 ProSPER.Net- Scopus Young Scientist Award

ProSPER.Net-Scopus Young Scientist Award (YSA) is now running its 5th year award. This award is given annually to young scientists and researchers, based in the Asia-Pacific region, who have made significant contributions in the area of Sustainable Development. The 2013 YSA will award the areas of Water, Transport and ICT for Sustainable Development. Nominations and applications are opened from 01 April to 30 June 2013. For more information and online application/nomination, visit the 2013 YSA page or click here. (posted 1 Apr)

New Article and Video from the Young Researchers’ School

A new article and video from the ProSPER.Net Young Researchers’ School (YRS) has just been released. The video showcases a group of refugees living in a temporary settlement after the eruption of Mount Merapi in 2010. The shelter serves as an excellent model of a resilient society in the context of post disaster management. Scholars from the 2012 YRS visited the refugees to learn more about the various modes of production they’ve developed, such as the production of crackers from cassava and sweet potato, as well as the manufacturing of accessories. Watch the video below and access the full article by clicking here. (posted 5 Feb)

6th GUNi International Conference on Higher Education

The Global University Network for Innovation (GUNi) is organizing the 6th International Barcelona Conference on Higher Education, “Let’s Build Transformative Knowledge to Drive Social Change” from May 13 to 15, 2013. The Conference will provide visibility and will critically examine one of the most significant trends: the growth of the theory and practice of engagement as a key feature in the evolution of higher education. For more information, please visit the GUNi Conference website. To download the flyer and press release, click here. (posted 30 Oct 2012)

New ProSPER.Net Publication “Developing a New Generation of Leaders 2008-2013”

We are delighted to announce the publication of a new booklet entitled “ProSPER.Net: Developing a New Generation of Leaders 2008-2013”. The publication showcases successful research projects and initiatives that have been launched by ProSPER.Net members. The publication stands as an excellent representation of the work being done by the network as a whole. To download a PDF of the booklet, visit our Publications page or click here. (posted 4 Feb 2013)

Young Researchers’ School: Student Voices

2012 YRS at UGMThis year’s ProSPER.Net Young Researchers’ School is focused on ‘Building a Resilient Society in Asia’, and on policies and projects that promote health, well-being, poverty eradication, social entrepreneurship, urban development and disaster management. Fourteen students will attend the two-week school, hosted this year by Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. We’ve asked a few of the students to share their expectations, reflections and overall feedback from YRS 2012. Read more by clicking on the YRS:Student Voices page. (posted 12 Sep 2012)

5th General Assembly and 9th Board Meeting

The ProSPER.Net 5th General Assembly and 9th Board Meeting were held at UNU-IAS on 9-10 July. ProSPER.Net members gathered to discuss organisational issues, communication and promotion, linkages with other networks, joint projects and many other issues. The General Assembly approved the membership application of 6 new members and the membership expanded to 28 in total. The new Board members were selected and  Prof. Yuji Suzuki from Hosei University was elected as the new Board Chair. (posted 15 Jul 2012)

2012 Young Scientist Award announced

The ProSPER.Net-Scopus Young Scientist Award in Sustainable Development is given annually to young scientists or researchers, based in the Asia-Pacific region, who have made significant contributions in the area of Sustainable Development. The award is open to those researchers who completed their Ph.D. recently (within a span of 5 years) and are engaged in graduate education and research activities that emphasize sustainable development. For 2012, awards were given in Sustainable Infrastructure, Sustainable Consumption and Production, and Health with a Focus on Poverty Eradication. The three winners and six runners-up presented their research at a symposium held at the United Nations University in Tokyo, Japan, on 11 July 2012, and were honoured with awards the same day. For more information, click here. (posted 13 Jul 2012)

Latest ProSPER.Net Newsletter!

The latest issue of the ProSPER.Net newsletter is out now. The newsletter features highlights from the ProSPER Network from throughout the first half of this year, including feature article on sustainability in higher education in the United States and a developing nation’s perspective on sustainability in higher education. Download the newsletter by clicking here. (posted 2 Jul 2012)

New ProSPER.Net Publication

The ProSPER.Net Secretariat is delighted to announce the publication of a new booklet entitled “ProSPER.Net: Developing a New Generation of Leaders”. The publication showcases successful research projects and initiatives that have been launched by ProSPER.Net members. While the limits of time and space unfortunately prevented all activities from being showcased, the publication still stands as an excellent representation of the work being done by the network as a whole. To download a PDF of the booklet, visit our Publications page or click here. (posted 15 June 2012)

Article on 2011 ProSPER.Net-Scopus Young Scientist Awards published on Our World 2.0

“Awardees tackle sustainability challenges” (click to read the article)
(13 October 2011)

Article on 2011 ProSPER.Net-Scopus Young Scientist Awards published on UN Chronicle 

” Rewarding Scientific Knowledge for Sustainable Development” (click to read the article)
(11 September 2011)

2011 ProSPER.Net Young Researchers’ School and International Youth Day Celebration 

The 2011 ProSPER.Net Young Researchers’ School was hosted by Hosei University from 1 to 12 August, and had as its theme, “Learning from Japan’s experience on Urban Sustainability”. An annual activity of ProSPER.Net, the Young Researchers’ School rotates location every year in order to expose students to different local sustainability challenges faced by ProSPER.Net members in Asia-Pacific. Read more about the Young Researchers’ School… 
(11 September 2011)

Winners of 2011 ProSPER.Net-Scopus Young Scientist Awards announced 

The three winners, as well as six runners-up, of this year’s ProSPER.Net Scopus Young Scientist Awards (YSA) were announced at an event held at the University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines, on 13 July 2011. Awards were given to young scientists or researchers, based in the Asia-Pacific region, who have made significant contributions in the area of Sustainable Development. For 2011, awards were given in each of three areas: ICT for Sustainable Development, Biodiversity and Natural Resource Management and Science & Technology with a Focus on Poverty Eradication. Read more about YSA….
(19 June 2011)