The 2015 Asia-Pacific Leadership Programme on Environment for Sustainable Development (APLP) will be held from 21st to 25th September in Shanghai, China. The theme of this year is Urbanization in the context of Sustainable development. Since 2004, almost 300 emerging leaders from 45 countries and organizations have benefited from this annual leadership programme at IESD. The leadership programme has also attracted participants from North America, Africa, Europe, who are keen to learn more about the dynamic Asia Pacific region.
The Asia-Pacific Leadership Programme on Environment for Sustainable Development is an annual flagship programme co-hosted by United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and Tongji University, aiming to build capacity for emerging leaders from the Asia Pacific region on holistic sustainability thinking and evidence based approaches for effective action. The Leadership Programme is organized by the Institute of Environment for Sustainable Development (IESD) at Tongji University, in support of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development, 2005-14, and closely linked with the training pillar of the Global Universities Partnership on Environment and Sustainability (GUPES).
The Leadership Programme will provide participants from the Asia Pacific region an opportunity to improve all-round thinking and decision-making abilities of emerging leaders, representing governmental organizations, international organizations, NGOs and the private sector, as well as understand and balance three key dimensions – human, environmental and social/economic – in promoting sustainable development and finally set up a platform for emerging leaders in the Asia-Pacific region to communicate and network amongst each other while working together to address complex practical sustainable development challenges.
For more information, please refer to programme’s website.